Emmy Statue

Chapter Committees

Awards-Entry Process, Review of Entries & Judging:  review of the Call for Entry document, setting deadline dates, reviewing all entries for violations and eligibility issues.  Participating in the blind list cut call for nominations.

Emmy Awards Event Production & Elements:  this committee works on the preparation of the Emmy Awards event, structure, format, contracts and proofing all elements and coordinating all production items.

Gold & Silver Circle:  Circles are a society of honor for television professionals who have made significant contributions to the industry and their community.  The committee reviews all nominations and recommends a slate to the Board to be honored each year.

Educationadministration of regional student awards and events related to the student production awards.  The regional student awards includes; reviewing the Call for Entries and judging for student entries. Manage and recruit students for (3) scholarships including review of applications.

Membership:  expanding outreach to the region for new members, recruiting board candidates and exploring benefits for members.

Programming:  development of programming for students and members, including mentorship opportunities.

Publicity/Promotion:  design social media posts and execute chapter promotional announcements

Sponsorship:  develop ideas and implementation of sponsorship for events, including student events and scholarships

Committee participation is open to active chapter members.  If you would like to join a committee, please email newenglandemmy@gmail.com