Emmy Statue

2022-23 Chapter Committees

Revised August, 2022

Awards-Entry Process, Review of Entries & Judging:  review of the Call for Entry document, setting deadline dates, reviewing all entries for violations and eligibility issues.  Participating in the blind list cut call for nominations.
Members:  David Burt (Chair), Jill D Jones, Timothy Egan, Ro Dooley Webster, Danielle Mannion

Emmy Awards Event Production & Elements:  this committee works on the preparation of the Emmy Awards event, structure, format, contracts and proofing all elements and coordinating all production items.
Members:  Fred Sherman, Jill D Jones, Ro Dooley Webster, Dave Burt, Beth York, Mike O’Neil, Meaghan Meachem, Danielle Mannion

Emmy Nomination Party:  selecting location and date for nomination party, structure and promotion of the event.
Members:  Jill D Jones, Kathryn Shehade

Gold & Silver Circle:  Circles are a society of honor for television professionals who have made significant contributions to the industry and their community.  The committee reviews all nominations and recommends a slate to the Board to be honored each year.
Members:  Roger Lyons (Co-Chair), Fred Sherman(Co-Chair), Jill D Jones, Ro Dooley Webster, Kathryn Shehade, Danielle Mannion

Membership:  expanding outreach to the region for new members, recruiting board candidates and exploring benefits for members.
Members:  Timothy Egan, Russ Nelligan

Programming:  development of programming for students and members, including mentorship opportunities.
Members:  Timothy Egan, Sarah Burgess, Alex Jasiukowicz

Publicity/Promotion:  design social media posts and execute chapter promotional announcements
Members:  Kathryn Shehade, Danielle Mannion, Emma Green

Scholarship:  currently we give two $5,000 scholarships.  The committee promotes submissions.
Members:  Beth York, Danielle Mannion, Jared Bowen, Mike O’Neil, Keith Macri

Sponsorship:  develop ideas and implementation of sponsorship for events, including student events and scholarships
Members:  Shelly Kamanitz, Danielle Mannion

Student Awards-High School and College/University Competitions:  review of the Call for Entry for students, judge entries and expanding outreach to the region for participation.
Members:  Danielle Mannion, Beth York, Jared Bowen, Sarah Burgess, Meaghan Meachem